

1 ~11件目/全11件

  • 『企業の社会的責任とは何か』の英文版。産業がもたらす発展や、人と人とのつながり、企業が果たすべき役割、松下幸之助の信念が詰まった一冊。

    産業がもたらす発展や、人と人とのつながり、企業が果たすべき役割、松下幸之助の信念が詰まった一冊。 The essays included here reflect Konosuke Matsushita’s convictions on topics ranging from many ways industry can help improve living conditions in local communities and environment, to people-to-people diplomacy, the benefits of sensible competition, perspectives on natural resources, and even ideas on integrating ex-convicts back into society.
  • 『人事万華鏡』の英文版。事業一筋に生きる著者が、人を生かし、育てる心得を説きあかす。

    【NOTE : This eBook does not present the entire content as it appears in the print edition. 】Management based on the principle of collective wisdom not only leads to better business performance, it also fosters the growth of individual human potential. From my own experience and observations, employees grow in insight and ability even if their supervisor is the most average of people, as long as that supervisor is a willing listener and is determined to work harder than anyone else to mobilize the human resources available to him or her. This is how humankind’s tremendous potential will be fully realized. 【注 書籍版に収録された「Part Two:Memorable Encounters」は収録されておりません。ご了承ください。】
  • 『経営のものさし』の英文版。経営理念・経営者・責入者・組織・体制・商品開発・製造・販売・営業など職能的分野における考え方をすべて開陳。

    How did Konosuke Matsushita concretely deal with the full range of functional areas and concepts of corporate management, including basic management principles, organization, product development, production, sales, accounting, and personnel? This volume attempts to answer those questions by presenting a compendium of good management. It is a carefully considered selection of Matsushita’s thought on these issues, designed to provide a reliable compass for negotiating the route to management success even in the most difficult of business.(『経営のものさし』の英文版。経営理念・経営者・責入者・組織・体制・商品開発・製造・販売・営業など職能的分野における考え方をすべて開陳)
  • 「人材育成のコツは?」「組織活性化のポイントは?などの課題について、松下幸之助がその質問に答えてくれる一冊。『松下幸之助の経営問答』の英文版。

    “経営の神様”と呼ばれた松下幸之助は、講演先や雑誌・テレビのインタビューで、数多くの質問を経営者やビジネスマンから受けている。本書は、その中から実践で役に立つと思われるやり取りを、「経営者」「経営理念」「人材」「組織」「先見性と決断」「経営危機」「商売」の項目に分類してQ&A方式に編集したケーススタディ集である。「人材育成のコツは?」「組織活性化のポイントは?」「不況克服の心得は?」など、時代を超えた課題について、松下幸之助がその質問に答えてくれる一冊。『松下幸之助の経営問答』の英文版。“K. Matsushita, Founder of Panasonic, Answers the Questions about Your Management”The founder of the Panasonic Group called “King of Management” received a large number of questions from audience at lecture meetings and in interviews with TV stations and magazine publishers.
  • 『人間を考える』の英文版。9歳から実業一筋に歩んできた著者が、周りからの意見と自らの経験を交え「人のあり方」を提唱したロングセラーの書。

    “Advocating a New View of Humanity” by K. Matsushita, founder of Panasonic
    He engaged in business for more than 80 years, since he was nine years old. He thought about man and society through his long business life and experience as well, seeking peace, happiness, and prosperity for the world.
    This book was originally published in Japanese in 1972, and will give us hints and ideas to the question “What is man and how should he act in society?”. He said, “I have limited my discussion in this volume to what seems to me to be the most basic and important aspects of man. I sincerely hope that this book will make a small contribution to the realization of peace, happiness and prosperity.”
  • 『商売心得帖』の英文版。本書には""商売人・松下""の考え方の真髄が詰まっている。物が売れない時代に商売の原点を見詰め直すための絶好の一冊。

    『商売心得帖』の英文版。商売は朝に発意、昼に実行、夕べに反省の繰り返し――。事業一筋半世紀、その豊富な体験と深い思索から説く商売のコツとは。ビジネスの基本と本質がつまった一冊。This long and best-selling book relates, in simple and direct terms, the essence of doing business that he acquired through the operation of his own business and through deep contemplation.
  • 『社員心得帖』の英文版。新入社員から中堅、幹部まで、自らの能力を高めるためになすべきことを説いた豊かなキャリア形成のための一冊。

    The 38 essays in this volume will help you discover ways to successfully develop your career by enjoying your business life and devoting yourself to it. They are all themes that Konosuke spoke about to the employees of Panasonic throughout his business career.
  • 『実践経営哲学』の英文版。幾多の苦境、体験の中からつかんだ独自の経営観、経営哲学がわかりやすく説かれた一冊。

    Practical management lessons from the founder of Panasonic
    “This collection sets forth my management principles, or my management philosophy; that is, my basic thoughts on how to manage an enterprise based on 60 years of experience and lessons learned. The term “management philosophy” sounds perhaps a bit grandiose, as this work is neither the result of disciplined academic study nor a systematically developed treatise. Rather, it is a compilation of practical lessons which, in my experience, will surely create the foundations for success for any company that builds its management upon them.” (from the Preface)
  • 自叙伝『私の行き方 考え方』の英文版。数多くのエピソードを交えながら事業成功の秘訣を語る半生の記。

    自叙伝『私の行き方 考え方』の英文版。自らの生い立ちから丁稚奉公、松下電器(現パナソニック)の創業、そして会社が進展していく昭和8年までの数多くのエピソードを交えながら事業成功の秘訣を語る半生の記。
    The Early Entrepreneurial Life of the Founder of Panasonic
    In the late autumn of 1904, Japan was caught up in the Russo-Japanese War. All alone, a nine-year-old boy left his hometown for Osaka to begin an apprenticeship. His mother, in tears, watched him board the train at Kinokawa Station in Wakayama. Her lonely form as the train pulled out of the station was a scene that was to be deeply engraved in his mind forever. Struggling in the big city, he lived through his days with hope for the future. This was the start of the career of Konosuke Matsushita, who went on to live out a life filled with lofty aspirations.
  • 生い立ちからパナソニックの会長を退くまでの軌跡を自ら語る自伝的エッセイ。『夢を育てる』に、新たな写真と年表を加えたもの。

    Many of the anecdotes contained in this autobiography reflect the background of postwar Japan and its industrialization within the global economy. The fundamental spirit and ideals expressed are universal and should provide food for thought for readers of any background.
  • 『経営のコツここなりと気づいた価値は百万両』の英文版。パナソニック創業から六十年にわたる事業体験を通して商売のコツ、経営のコツを披露したビジネスパーソンへのメッセージ。

    The Million-Dollar Knack for Successful Management summarizes Matsushita’s timeless essentials of the knack of management gleaned from more than sixty years of business experience. As you will learn from Matsushita, “Grasping the knack of management is worth a million dollars.”






