

1 ~11件目/全11件

  • シリーズ9冊
    レーベル: クロ僕屋電書



    しかしさっそく電車を乗り間違え待ち合わせに大遅刻! エレベーターのない駅の階段でクソ重い荷物を抱えてもう嫌な予感しかしないぞ……



    「創作同人2020年3月」参加作品 創作同人電子書籍 COMITIA131 コミティア131初頒布
  • シリーズ3冊

    Human haunts! Which supposedly extinct...!

    A world where characters with moving hair, horns and fluffy ears.... non-human characters live.
    When Kamoji hears that "Human" which once existed in the world has appeared, she grabs weapons left behind by Human with her own moving hair and heads for the scene....

    This is a ghost story in far-future, about a strong lady and her assistant in a maid's uniform, who investigate a monster called "human" that is supposed to be extinct.
    24 pages translated Japanese-style manga. Monochrome, goes from right to left.
  • シリーズ4冊

    [Contains English edition]ARは亡くなった父を呼び覚ますか。Does AR bring back her father from the other world?

    It contains 95pages of Japanese edition and 96 pages of English edition.
    AR(拡張現実)の普及した未来。桜の下でバイト少年めぐるは死者の霊を見る。拡張現実による映像だったのか? しかしその時めぐるはARめがねをしていなかった……


    In a future when the AR (Augmented Reality) spreads. Meguru who is a working student witnessed a phantom of dead man. Was that an illusion which the AR showed? But at that time, he didn't wear AR glasses...
    A boy and a woman who is the owner of a secondhand bookstore search a Japanese city of the future to solve riddles which her father left.
  • シリーズ2冊

    "The weight of thy baggage is the weight of thy sins...." says 俺好みの電波のじゃロリババア(Oregonominodempanojaroribabaa) eating rahmen on the cover, but who are you?

    _Packed 88 pounds of self-made doujinshi into cardboard boxes and departed for Tokyo Big Site!

     ....Before going to, Dog(charactor name) want to eat rahmen, stay up all night at a cheering screening at a long-established movie theater, and then go!

     But Dog got on the wrong train and was late for the meeting! Dog was lugging his heavy baggage up the stairs of a station with no elevator, and Dog had a bad feeling about it....
     A greedy trip packed with this and that.... "The weight of thy baggage is the weight of thy sins...." says 俺好みの電波のじゃロリババア(Oregonominodempanojaroribabaa) eating rahmen on the cover, but who are you?

     This is a manga that depicts the author's daily life with a mixture of delusions in pixel art (dots) . This is a translated Japanese style manga, goes from right to left. Monochrome, the main story is 42 pages.
  • Making a 16-page book from a sheet of paper? Yes, you can do it!

    This manga was drawn to teach children how to make their own books in a simple way, which make a 16-page book from one sheet of paper with a copy machine.
    Also, it mentions that convenience stores everywhere in Japan have copy machines and that anyone can use them is related to the doujin culture of making books onself.

    Monochrome manga, 16 pages. This is a translated Japanese style manga, goes from right to left.
  • Can the blank of 10 years be repaired?

    A man came back to home from Tokyo after 10 years. He starts to repair a moped, Sachs optima 50, that he leaved in home garage.
    At that time, a woman who was a friend of his ten years ago appears there. They work together to repair the moped....

    If I repair it, will those days come back? Can the blank of 10 years be repaired?
    But she had been married for ten years when he left home. With another, man.

    Translated Japanese style manga, goes right to left, monochrome. 36 pages in the main part.
  • [contains English edition]海の向こうを目指す少年/無人の新興住宅団地

    フルカラー32頁のまんがを2本収録。同内容の英訳版を併録。It contains both an English and Japanese edition. 2 of 32 pages of manga.(total 64 pages)



    【Flying machines】A seaside county town, that you can find anywhere, and you can find nowhere. A boy found a machine in garbage drifted to shore. It was a "flying machine" that was impossible in this world. He tried to repair it and aimed to go to the other side of the sea.... A youth and a senescence of a man who chase dreams.

    【Brand-new town #11】There are roads, houses, and vending machines in The Brand new town. But there is nobody. It is a ruins before being born. A boy and a girl take a walk to shoot the best shot with an instant camera that has only one piece of film.
  • [contains English edition]埋まったものの時間が止まる「東京砂漠」。かつて一千万人が住む巨大都市だったという青い砂漠で、生きた古代人が発掘される。彼は失われた芸術、「まんが」を描く職人だった……

    It contains 36 pages of monochrome manga, both a Japanese edition and English edition.



    In the era that people call 2010's "the Ancient times"...The distant future that our civilization had been collapsed.
    Ataru enters Tokyo desert university that stands by Tokyo desert, and joins "the excavation club".

    The time of something buried is freeze in Tokyo desert. Ancient relics with no damage come out from there.
    Ataru excavated a living ancient man....He said he was a manga artist that was the visual arts lost in this time....

    A post apocalipse SF manga 36 pages, with 2 pages of commentary. This is a Japanese style manga, goes from right to left.
  • [contains English edition]AR(拡張現実)が見せる素敵な日常。The wonderful future life that AR glasses shows.

    It contains both an English edition and Japanese edition.
    8 pages of colored manga, there are 8 (total 64 pages).


    AR(Augmented Reality) come to be known owing to some smartphone game. There are stories of the future that AR glasses spread. Blossoms that should have been scattered, distantly remote friend, heart that he couldn't awake to, grandma in the Heaven..Vivid "Unreals" comes to be able to see when wear wonder AR glasses...In a bit future, a bit advanced technology shows wonderful daily life.

    This is Japanese style manga, so please read it from right to left.

    【U16b クロ僕屋】COMITIA117企画応援作品
  • [contains English edition]男は処分場の不正を暴く正義漢か? 証拠をネタに町長を強請る悪漢か? 処分場を掘り返す謎の男

    It contains both an English edition and Japanese edition.
    男は処分場の不正を暴く正義漢か? 証拠をネタに町長を強請る悪漢か? 町長の暴力団じみた脅しにも屈せずひたすらに穴を掘り続ける男についに暴力の嵐が襲い掛かる。そして明かされる男の過去と真の目的とは。穴を掘るとは彼にとって何を意味するのか。

    A manga of 70 pages. monochrome, goes from right to left.

    A country town that there are black gossips. An usurpation of fund for reconstruction, burying illegal trash... A reticent man come there from somewhere. And there is a daughter of the last mayor who was an opposition against acceptance of the final disposal site. She meets the man in a fence of the disposal site.
    Does the man want justice by digging up an evidence of injustice? Or does he want money by blackmailing the mayor? Violence of Yakuza happens to the man who digs holes with dauntless will. What is his true purpose? Why he digs holes at the disposal site? What does "dig" mean for him?
  • [contains English edition]秋葉原は闇市から始まった Akihabara rose up from a black market

    It contains both an English edition and Japanese edition.

    A manga of 68 pages and a commentary of the history of Akihabara 3 pages.
    ◆A couple of today's youths who go toward Akihabara picked up an old man on their way. He said had lived in Aakihabara, and told a long story of his life...1945, just after WW2 in Akihabara black market. War orphans lived by doing thieves saved a girl who was about to be assaulted by soldiers of the Occupation Army. Children rose in the black market, and made the world-class erectric town, Akihabara from its dark side...A fiction based on the history of Akihabara.

    This is a Japanese style manga, so please read it from right to left.It contains both an English edition and a Japanese edition.






